Othello race quotes
Othello race quotes

His career in the military and as an aspiring politician depends totally upon his good name. "Reputation, reputation, reputation! O I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of me and what remains is bestial" "My reputation Iago, my reputation!" Act 2 Scene 3 Cassio: Cassio's reputation is his lifeline. "I had rather have this tongue cur from my mouth than it should do offence to Michael Cassio" "I know Iago Thy honesty and love doth mince this matter" Act 2 Scene 3 Iago and Othello: Iago continues to develop his persona and façade of honesty, easily fooling his fellow counterparts. Here we begin to see glimpses of the hubris that will soon become his hamartia, as his pride has been tainted by the fact that Montano, the governor of the Island, has been injured on his watch by non other than his very of second. "Now by heaven, my blood begins my safer guide to rule" Act 2 Scene 3 Othello: This could be interpreted as a racist remark by Shakespeare stating how his blacks blood is beginning to control his moral judgement, raising awareness to the fact that Othello is extremely raged. It id tragic that Cassio falls at the weakness of his drink, particularly due to his strong convictions against drinking at the beginning of this scene.

othello race quotes

"Evermore prologue to his sleep" Act 2 Scene 3 Iago: Iago's comment to Montano regarding alcohol is both comic and dangerous, we see how easily Iago is able to manipulate those around him and they clearly believe what he says despite the audience knowing the contrary. Through Iago in this scene, Shakespeare explores the power of language itself, which in reality brings about "The net that shall enmesh them all". This shows his power and talent to manipulate people to his own advantage, gaining Cassio's trust by speaking to him in prose, the type of language that soldiers would be likely to use to address one another professionally as friends compared to his use of Iambic Pentameter before, which imitates heartbeat and a loving/open friendship. Although Cassio has denied Iago's offers to drink, he quickly succumbs to Iago's desires thereafter.

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"If I can fasten but just one cup on him, he'll be as full of quarrel as of offence" Act 2 Scene 3 Iago: The audience are well aware of Iago's calculating nature, and here he is fully putting his plan in place as revealed in his third soliloquy. Linguistically, this destructive language creates a claustrophobic effect for the victims from the perspective of the audience, as their inevitable tragic downfall slowly begins to appear inevitable. As spiders weave an inescapable web for flies, Iago plans to construct a web of lies to similarly trap Cassio, and frame him for adultery. This in turn, further develops the audiences profile of Iago as the villain of the play, continuing to enact deceitful behaviour. Elizabethan and Jacobean playwrights used asides to share a characters thoughts of intentions without revealing the secrets to the other characters.

othello race quotes othello race quotes

Iago uses a dramatic devise called an "aside" Speaking in such a way that the audience can hear him but the other characters on stage cannot. The fact that Cassio is unwillingly adding fuel to the fire that Iago is going to light increases tension in the audience, provoking feelings of distress as the victims allows contribute more to their downfall. Act 2 Scene 1 Iago: The audience are gaining first hand insight into how Iago is conducting his manipulative strategy.

Othello race quotes